Best Practice Network’s use of online learning in its programmes for school leaders has been recognised at the internationally recognised Learning Technologies Awards.
BPN received the bronze award for its work on the National Professional Qualifications for School Leaders in the best blended learning project in the public and non-profit sector category at the awards evening, held in London last week.
BPN was recognised along with some of the leading international names in the learning technology world, including Barclays, Oxford University Press, Siemens and Tesco.
Chief Executive Colin McLean said: “This award is a huge accolade for Best Practice Network and its partners and recognises the big impact our programmes, which use a blended approach of online and face to face learning, are having on the learning of participants in the National Professional Qualifications. This impact is far reaching: as well as helping participants improve their leadership skills it helps them improve the attainment and life chances of children and young people.
“Our approach is also making a big difference to the bottom line of schools. Online learning in these programmes cuts down out-of-school hours and travelling costs and saves schools time and money.”
BPN is a current licence holder for the National College for Teaching and Leadership’s (NCTL) three National Professional Qualifications - the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH), the National Professional Qualification for Middle leadership (NPQML) and the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) - and is one of a handful of providers to have been awarded a gold rating from the college in recognition of the quality of its provision.

Award winners: Best Practice Network’s Leadership Curriculum Programmes Manager Chris Ludlow (left) and Business Development Director Phil Haslett with awards co-hosts, the comedians Deborah Frances White and Katherine Ryan.
The programmes were designed and are delivered in partnership with three regional training providers – Outstanding Leaders Partnership (North West), L.E.A.D. Academy Trust (East Midlands) and Outstanding Leaders Alliance (East of England).
The Learning Technologies Awards panel of judges decided to give BPN the award after considering a detailed submission that included evidence of the impact its blended learning approach has had on candidates. This included evaluations of participants in online courses who unanimously agreed that course content was relevant and challenging and had increased their knowledge and understanding or current developments, theories and challenges in their field. These evaluations also showed that participants thought BPN’s programmes had made them more effective leaders - for example 42 per cent of NPQH candidates had gained a promotion since gaining their qualification through BPN and every one surveyed said the course had strengthened and updated their leadership skills, with two thirds saying that they had also seen an improvement in pupil outcomes.
The Learning Technologies Awards is an international scheme that has been rewarding learning technologies excellence since 2005. The awards showcase some of the most recognisable, memorable and life-changing learning technologies and e-learning worldwide.
The full list of award winners is available on the Learning Technologies website and details of the National Professional Qualifications from Best Practice Network can be found on the teacher courses area of the website.