
Designing and Delivering Effective Professional Development
June 21 2021
As we move forward in the development of our school leader and school expert led resources for the new suite of NPQs, I have had the great pleasure recently of ‘interviewing’ and listening to many colleagues from all parts of the country, talk about their experiences and accounts of good practice, that will support the next generations of NPQ participants learning in partnership with OLP/BPN.
Making confident steps towards SBP apprenticeship assessment
March 19 2020
School business professional (SBP) apprenticeships are a cost-effective and rigorous way of upskilling your team, but choosing an endpoint assessment organisation (EPAO) can be tricky. School business leadership expert, Val Andrew, guides you through.

Demystifying ICFP
February 11 2020
Confused about how to approach integrated curriculum financial planning? SBM Expert, Val Andrew, explains all and offers some advice.

Plan now for leadership security
September 26 2019
A swathe of school business leadership professionals are set to retire in the next few years – so we need to start our leadership succession planning now, says Val Andrew

A guide to leadership alchemy
July 18 2019
Hayley Dunn makes a case for SBLs to be part of the leadership top table.

Smarter procurement: A case for cross-school understanding of the procurement process
July 10 2019
Although procurement most often falls squarely on the SBM’s shoulders, it actually involves a number of members of staff. EdExec and GLS Educational Supplies consider the benefits of CPD for those responsible for school procurement and the wider school community.
Fit for the future
May 14 2019
Val Andrew, of Best Practice Network, explores the CPD options open to SBLs and has some advice for keeping CPD relevant in an ever-changing world

Steer your career through times of change
April 25 2019
School business professionals need to embrace professional development if they are to meet the challenge of a dramatically transformed school landscape, explains Val Andrew.

Reality Check
April 25 2019
Getting real about your budget forecasting is a way of protecting your school budgets in an uncertain world. Val Andrew has some advice for school business managers.

Best Practice Network and ISBL join forces on apprenticeship assessments
April 01 2019
Best Practice Network (BPN) has joined forces with the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) to provide end-point assessment services for the School Business Professional Level 4 Apprenticeship from September 2019.
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