Inspection Insights - Briefings

These briefings are for school leaders and governors to be fully and reliably briefed about changes taking place in education.
Not only is the changing education landscape explained, but there will be a particular focus on key issues that directly impact on school leaders’ accountability. As a consequence these briefings offer both support and practical help in preparing for a future Ofsted inspection.
Who is this for?
These inspection briefing sessions are for senior leaders, managers and governors of schools.
What are the benefits?
The workshop will equip schools with an understanding and practical support of:
- how to be best prepared for an inspection, including 'no notice inspections'
- how to gather evidence for key judgements such as teaching and behaviour over time, and interpret the data (especially with the removal of NC 'levels')
- how to meet requirements regarding the curriculum
- how to respond to new reporting requirements for Early Years and Sixth Form provision
How is it delivered?
A programme of termly briefings is held in locations across the country. To ensure that both key local and national issues are addressed, we invite both Teaching School Alliances and/or Local Authority to act as hosts for sessions.
The briefings will cover the most up to date information available, to help you understand the changing landscape of education as well as to support you with your own inspection.
The briefing sessions will be 2 hours long, between 9am and 11am, with light refreshments provided.
Group Size
A group will typically consist of between 20 to 40 delegates, although larger groups can be arranged depending on the suitability of the venue.
Further briefings will be added on request - if your Teaching School Alliance or Local Authority would like to host an Inspection Insight Briefing, please contact us on +44 (0) 117 920 9200.
What does it cost?
Attendance costs £60 + VAT per candidate per briefing.
How to apply
Please complete our online registration form below.