Meet our ECF delivery team!

Meet our ECF delivery team!
We would love to show you some of the people behind leading our Early Career Framework (ECF) delivery. Our team work tirelessly to fine-tune the programme, ensuring it continues to give our ECTs the best possible start to their teaching careers.
We've picked out our ECF director as well as two of our Lead Facilitators to talk a bit more about themselves and the ECF programme.

Kelly Mckay | ECF Director
What's your background?
I have worked in a wide range of educational leadership roles with a variety of stakeholders, including DfE/EFA, local authorities, academy trusts, businesses and local communities to plan and lead change which has resulted in rapid, sustainable improvement.
I am guided by the principal that every child deserves the best possible education so they have the skills, qualifications and confidence necessary to secure employment in an ever changing, competitive world of work and develop into happy young people with a bright future.
What does your day to day look like?
I am very lucky as no two days are the same, being ECF Director involves visiting partners, schools and talking with ECTs and Mentors. However another day I might be meeting with the DfE or Ofsted to discuss the progress of our ECF programme and how to continually improve the learning experience. Other times I’m in the BPN Head Office in Bristol working with our candidate support team measuring engagement and reviewing evaluations.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
The most important thing for me in my role is knowing that we are making a difference to the outcomes for young people in our schools! The ECF is having an impact on the professional development culture of schools, providing new teachers in the first stages of their career with a two-year structured training programme supported by a mentor, this enables them to become more fluent, effective teachers having a positive impact in the classroom.
What do you think is the most valuable ECF module and why?
The ECF programme is a two year, spiral curriculum and I feel that that inquiry style based of learning for modules 7 and 8 are really exciting. They allow ECTs the opportunity to apply the knowledge they acquire in year one and investigate how applying strategies in their own classroom can have a direct impact on the outcomes of their pupils.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I am a keen Aston Villa supporter and have season tickets which allows me to attend all home games. I am also a football mum which involves many weekends standing in a cold, wet field cheering for my son but I love it! I also have a dog and enjoy getting out on long walks around our local countryside.
Paul Trainor | Lead Facilitator.png)
What's your background?
I have a business, Positive Synergy, which works within education, sport and business to develop people and their performance. My work includes leadership development, building teams, creating culture and developing mental toughness. Prior to this, I worked in secondary schools across the North West for 20 years, including senior leadership roles in 4 schools.
Before qualifying as a teacher, I was a professional Rugby League player, which influenced much of work in school and in my business. I still work in professional rugby league now, with a senior leadership role in a Super League club.
What does your day to day look like?
Very varied, with my role at BPN, working in my business and my club role meaning there is always something to focus on!
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I really enjoy the work on the ECF programme, being privileged to work with ECTs and ECMs which gives me a great insight into the programme from both perspectives.
What do you think is the most valuable ECF module and why?
For me, Module 1 is the foundation of everything.....inspiring and motivating students to see and believe what is possible for them. For me, this should always be at the heart of what we do.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy watching and playing sport. I have two children who enjoy playing sport, so much of my time is spent watching them training and playing, which I love doing!
Andrea Davis | Lead Facilitator.png)
What's your background?
My background is in senior leadership in schools, school improvement work and teaching French and EAL/AFL overseas.
What does your day to day look like?
I am very lucky as no two days are the same. I work mostly from home, with lots of Zoom meetings and some visits to schools, and have the chance every day to interact with a wide range of education professionals.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I love being involved in developing the teachers and leaders we need in our education system.
What do you think is the most valuable ECF module and why?
I used to think it was Module 1 but now it is the Practitioner Inquiry in Year 2 which our current cohorts are finding so valuable and motivating.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I like walking, running and reading - not always in that order!