BPN Employees raise money for Charity
  April 20 2015
Early Years Director Maureen Lee recently completed the 14 mile Eye to Eye charity walk on March 22nd, which involved walking from Moorfields Eye hospital to the London Eye. Leadership Curriculum Programmes Manager Chris Ludlow has also recently partaken in a charitable event – The Big Sleep Out Bristol.
Early Years Experiences - EYITT case study - Lucinda Gardiner
  March 24 2015
Early Years practitioner Lucinda Gardiner writes about her experience with the Early Years Initial Teacher Training course. She discusses what inspires her to pursue a career in teaching, how she has collaborated with peers to share ideas, and her journey since achieving Early Years Teacher Status.
£1 million to help schools recruit high-calibre governors
  March 20 2015
More than £1 million to help schools across England recruit highly-skilled governors has been announced by Schools Minister Lord Nash. The funding, provided by the Department for Education (DfE), will support a new partnership between SGOSS - Governors for Schools and the Education and Employers Taskforce, to recruit and place more high-calibre governors in schools.
Ofsted inspections - clarification for schools
  March 17 2015
Ofsted have release a new document Ofsted inspections - clarification for schools that should help clear up some of the common myths that ass unnecessary workload and stress for schools. Read alongside the School inspection handbook, it should highlight specific practices that are not required by Ofsted.
Early Years Experiences - EYITT case study - Cathy Nute
  March 12 2015
Early Years practitioner Cathy Nute writes about her experience with the Early Years Initial Teacher Training course. She discusses how she started her career in early years teaching, her decision to persue Early Years Teacher Status, government funding and support from her tutor and setting, now she is halfway through the course.
National Apprenticeship Week
  March 10 2015
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service and is designed to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy.
Election 2015 – where do the parties stand on education?
  March 06 2015
Education is one of the top five issues that people care about most – Jeff Hart explores what the different parties promise in the run-up to the May election.
Excellent school middle leaders will be placed in underperforming schools
  March 06 2015
One hundred exceptional middle leaders across England can now apply to spend one year in an underperforming school, in an effort to raise the quality of teaching. This will enable some of the more challenging schools to benefit from the skills, expertise and knowledge of middle leaders.
£10 million of funding to be put into local schools in the North
  March 05 2015
The Chancellor and the Education Secretary plan to improve education standards in the North, with £10 million of funding going into local schools. This which will enable the area’s best academies to share their excellence through becoming sponsors of underperforming local schools. Amongst other things their expertise will be used to help improve exam results, providing young people with better opportunities for the future.
What does the latest research on professional development tell us?
  March 05 2015
There are three new reports from teaching schools' research on pedagogy themes agreed by the NCTL research and development network. Teaching school alliances are the way forward for professional development and this research by teachers for teachers will help shape national policy and implementation.