
Funding formula delay piles on the pressure
July 28 2016
There are two sides to the decision to delay the introduction of the new national funding formula.
For schools in poorly funded parts of the country the delay is a crippling blow. For those in well-funded areas it is a welcome delay of the inevitable cuts that such a development will bring.
As a trustee of two multi-academy trusts, one in a well-funded district and one in a poorly funded area, the delay underlines for me the stark inequity in the funding of schools in England.

National College funded pilot programme success
July 07 2016
Participants on a pilot leadership programme in Newham have successfully completed their final day. The equality and diversity focused programme aimed to ensure that participants would:

Best Practice Network at the Dragon Boat Race
June 20 2016
Thank you so much to everyone who took part in and supported the Bristol Dragon Boat Festival 2016. Whether you cheered from the bank, baked (and ate) cakes, paddled in the crew, helped with arrangements, or sent us good vibes on the day it was a big team effort and a great event!
We have now finished fundraising and have raised £1100 towards the The Green House charity based in Bristol.

Do you know the HLTA of the Year 2016?
June 01 2016
In 2015 we saw Josie Wilkinson (West Midlands) and Jenny Boyce (South West) along with 7 other regional winners travel to London to attend the Outstanding HLTA of the Year Awards. The HLTA National Assessment Partnership (HNAP) HLTA of the Year award is aimed at teaching assistants who have gained HLTA status and who go above and beyond to demonstrate the vital role which HLTAs play within schools.
Best Practice Network is now welcoming nominations for the HLTA of the Year 2016 from the West Midlands, South West and the East of England.

Personal Tutor achieves "Outstanding" in Ofsted inspection
May 20 2016
Last month Anna Watson, a Childminder from the Southampton area and Personal Tutor for Best Practice Network’s Early Years Initial Teacher Training, achieved her second Ofsted "Outstanding" grading. She has shared her experience with us.

New HLTA RPA in the East of England
May 18 2016
Best Practice Network is very pleased to announce that we have taken on the role of HLTA Provider of Preparation across the East of England region and also in that region, the role of HLTA Regional Provider of Assessment on behalf of the HLTA National Assessment Partnership.
In addition we will be extending the work started by the Eastern Leadership Centre in providing opportunities for HLTA candidates, past, present and future, to gain a level 4 qualification alongside gaining HLTA status.

Online safety: Do we focus too much on the dark side of the web?
May 05 2016
What’s the first thing you think about when someone mentions online and children?
Usually it’s a negative with visions of a dark shadowy world full of cyberbullies and predators. I’ve battled against the dark side since 1998 when, as an outraged teacher, I sought to get involved with cleaning up the web. I’m sure you have similar concerns.

Early years teachers will help light up young brains
April 14 2016
Lighting up Young Brains has a wonderful resonance. It is the title of the recent Save the Children report and sums up so aptly what we are aiming to achieve with our children in the early years.
Nurseries, childminders, nursery schools and pre-schools aren’t just providing safe places while parents are at work.
They aren’t just giving young children opportunities to develop independence and mix with and share people and resources with other young children.

Planet 50-50: Women’s leadership in politics and beyond
April 11 2016
Best Practice Network joined Womankind Worldwide supporters and activists at the Houses of Parliament to celebrate International Woman’s Day and to look ahead and #PledgeForParity, for equal gender representation – Planet 50-50.
A key learning tool on display was Suffragette Roulette, where scenarios from both developed and developing countries highlighted the struggle faced by all women who want to have their say, as well as the work Womankind Worldwide are doing to support, guide and facilitate opportunities. Have a go online and let us know how you get on. If you would like Suffragette Roulette to visit your school, please email Rosey Ellum.

What should a learning platform do for your organisation?
April 04 2016
I remember doing my NPQH way back in 2003, the joy of being with like-minded professionals eager to develop, the thrill of learning new ways of doing things and the anxiety of that final assessment! The trouble was I only met with these folks either on the face-to-face days or the occasional meeting with my study group.
What kept me going was the ability to use the discussion networks on the then National College virtual learning environment so I could get some feedback on my own thoughts from colleagues and get some solutions for the issues I faced.