
Best Practice Network to deliver level 4 SBM diploma
May 29 2018
Best Practice Network has been confirmed as one of just three ILM approved national providers of the new Level 4 Diploma for School Business Management.

NPQ scholarship funding to continue for the autumn 2018 intake
April 13 2018
NPQ | Scholarship | BPN News | Leadership
We were very pleased with the number of applications we received for the spring courses across the four National Professional Qualifications in school leadership. This was partly due to the scholarships for participants in Opportunity Areas and the Department for Education has confirmed that they expect to fund all eligible scholarships for autumn 2018 starters out of the £10m fund that was allocated at the end of 2017.

Early years blog: giving children the very best start in life
April 05 2018
Hi, I am Ange Syson and I joined Best Practice Network in 2013. I mainly work as a group tutor and personal tutor on the Early Years Initial Teacher Training Programme in Leeds and York, but I occasionally work in other areas such as HLTA training. I have worked in education and training for twenty years. First as a special needs teacher and then I moved into Early Years when I started a family of my own. I thought that childminding would be an easy way to keep my hand in while being able to spend time with my own children.

Update to BPN's privacy notice
April 05 2018
In preparation for the changes to data protection law under the Europe-wide General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on 25 May 2018, Best Practice Network has updated its privacy notice.
BPN News | School Business Management