NPQ Scholarship Funding 2023

NPQ Scholarship Funding 2023
NPQ Scholarships 2024 **UPDATE**
For the latest update on NPQ scholarships, please visit the NPQ Scholarship Checker.
Full NPQ Scholarships are available for all state funded schools, academies, independent special schools and virtual schools in England.
There is no limit to how many scholarships a single organisation can access.
Participants who have received a scholarship and successfully completed their NPQ are able to apply for further scholarships.
Simply apply for your chosen NPQ and we will liaise with the DfE to secure your scholarship.
From autumn 2022, the organisations eligible to access scholarships are:
state-funded schools
state-funded 16 to 19 organisations
independent special schools
virtual schools (local-authority-run organisations that support the education of children in care)
hospital schools not already included in other categories of eligible organisations
young offender institutions
Practising teachers employed by local authorities, such as supply teachers, will also be able to access scholarships.
Teachers and leaders who are employed as above are eligible for training scholarships for all 8 NPQs.
Lead mentors for providers accredited to deliver initial teacher training from 2024 will also be able to access scholarships for the NPQ in leading teacher development, once successfully accredited providers have been announced.