DfE Announces NPQ Scholarships for Autumn 2021

DfE Announces NPQ Scholarships for Autumn 2021
**Scholarship Funding has been updated for 2023, please see this news item for the latest NPQ scholarship information.**
DfE NPQ Scholarships for Autumn 2021
The DfE has announced the details of scholarship funding for the November 2021 NPQ Intake. https://www.bestpracticenet.co.uk/news/dfe-extends-npq-scholarships-to-all-maintained-schools-and-academies
If your school is within the top 30th percentile in relation to pupils on Pupil Premium then you will be able to access full NPQ scholarships for any of our NPQs. View the full list of eligible schools here.
If your school is not within the top 30th percentile in relation to pupils on Pupil Premium then only the NPQ for Leading Teacher Development and NPQ for Headship and NPQ for Headship Additional Support Offer (for heads in their first two years of headship) will be fully funded by DfE scholarships.
Colleagues working in schools not falling in the top 30th percentile might wish to access funding via an apprenticeship with NPQ. Apprenticeships with NPQs offer the full standalone NPQ as well as extended leadership training, additional support and extra qualifications. Funding comes by way of the Apprenticeship levy or Co-Investment from the government.
Please use the livechat function on our web site or our contact form to confirm your school’s NPQ scholarship eligibility. See below for further details.
My school is in the top 30th percentile Pupil Premium
The full suite of 6 DfE NPQs are fully-funded for your colleagues. The suite is comprised of:
- NPQ for Leading Teaching (NPQLT)
- NPQ for Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC)
- NPQ for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD)
- NPQ for Senior Leadership (NPQSL)
- NPQ for Headship (NPQH)
- New Headteacher Programme (NHP)
- NPQ for Executive Leadership (NPQEL)
The scholarships cover the entire cost of the qualifications and there is no limit to how many scholarships can be accessed.
When applying for an NPQ please select “Eligible for Full Scholarship Funding” in the invoicing section of the application form.
If you would like to complete either NPQSL, NPQH or NPQEL as part of an apprenticeship which comes with a raft of extra content and support then please visit www.bestpracticenet.co.uk/leader-apprenticeship-NPQ for more information.
My School is not in the top 30th percentile Pupil Premium
Full scholarships are available for the NPQ for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD). There is no limit to how many of these scholarships can be accessed - please select “Eligible for Full Scholarship Funding” in the invoicing section of the application form.
Full scholarships for the NPQ for Headship and NPQ for Headship Additional Support Offer are available but only for the current headteacher and only if they are in their first two years of headship. Aspiring headteachers at your school can still self-fund the qualification or complete as part of a funded Headteacher Apprenticeship.
Funded apprenticeship pathways are also available for NPQSL and NPQEL with added leadership training and support. Please visit www.bestpracticenet.co.uk/leader-apprenticeship-NPQ for more information.
There is no funding available for either the NPQ for Leading Teaching or the NPQ for Leading Behaviour and Culture. Colleagues wishing to complete these qualifications will need to self-fund.
Please contact us if you have any questions.