
Leadership, and learning to fly
November 10 2017
Best Practice Network managing director Liam Donnison meets Andrew Warren, chair of the Teaching Schools Council.

National Professional Qualification Scholarships
October 24 2017
Best Practice Network (BPN) and the Outstanding Leaders Partnership (OLP) will be bidding for a share of the £10million scholarship fund announced yesterday by the Department for Education (DfE) to support teachers and leaders in challenging areas to access the reformed National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).

Know your strengths
October 11 2017
Can you make inspection an enriching learning process that is actually good for your school? Heather Clements of Best Practice Network offers some advice.
Read the full article on the School Inspection and Improvement website.

Meet our 2017 HLTA of the Year regional winners
October 10 2017
We’re proud to announce our regional winners of the 2017 Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) of the Year awards.
The award, now in its fifth year, is organised by the HLTA National Assessment Partnership (HNAP), an organisation made up of the four regional assessment providers – including Best Practice Network - that work together to manage and quality assure the assessment of standards for HLTAs across England.

Leadership: Three questions for new headteachers
October 05 2017
In an article for SecEd Liam Donnison talks to executive principal Peter Rubery about what those who aspire to headship can expect and offers three key questions they need to ask themselves.
Read the full article on the SecEd website.

Share your favourite children's books in our Brilliant Books survey
October 02 2017
Which book do you find most successful in engaging children's imagination and attention? Maybe there's a book you remember most fondly from childhood that is still in print?
We’d like to make a contemporary list of books in print, suitable for children, which our network of education practitioners and parents can refer to. We’d really appreciate it if you could spend a couple of minutes filling in a very brief and anonymous survey, to share the books you love to read with children.

In defence of risk-taking
September 13 2017
Best Practice Network’s managing director Liam Donnison discusses school leadership with Dame Alison Peacock, chief executive of the Chartered College of Teaching.

Leadership lessons from a school launch
September 08 2017
In an article for Headteacher Update Liam Donnison talks to Karen Edwards about the lessons she learned when launching a brand new school, The Heights Primary in Caversham, in 2014.
Read the full article on the Headteacher Update website

Support your SENCOs in 2017-18
August 07 2017
Making a difference to the achievements of learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities drives every SEN Co-ordinator (SENCO).
As we look forward to the start of a new academic year in September, it’s a good idea to look at how to you can support your SENCOs so that they are in a position to help SEND pupils as effectively as possible.

Bonus BPN webinar! Deborah Eyre speaks on High Performance Learning
August 03 2017
Following the success of our recent head-led webinar series we are planning a new run of ten head-led webinars monthly between September 2017 and June 2018.
However, before the new series begins, we are delighted to have a bonus leadership webinar with Professor Deborah Eyre. Deborah is well known in the world of education and she has agreed to lead a BPN webinar on Thursday 14 September at 7pm (BST).