Delivering the new NPQ qualifications
  July 14 2017
Outstanding Leaders Partnership, supported by Best Practice Network, is one of the largest providers of the new-look National Professional Qualifications approved by the Department for Education.
Successful bid for Outstanding Leaders Partnership
  July 07 2017
Outstanding Leaders Partnership (OLP) has successfully bid for approved provider status with the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) to offer the National Professional Leadership Qualifications. OLP, a school-led leadership qualification provider, is expanding in a move that will make it one of the largest professional development organisations of its kind in England. The expanded OLP will continue to be led by a partnership of Best Practice Network and Ashton-on-Mersey Teaching School, which is part of the Dean Trust.
When leadership gets real
  July 06 2017
In the latest update for SecEd Liam Donnison talks to two aspiring leaders about the shift in school leadership development, with an increasing focus on real-life challenges informing the school-based projects that form a prominent part of CPD for teachers and leaders.
EYITT case study - Will Purcell
  June 19 2017
Will Purcell talks about the fantastic opportunity provided by EYITT to build his confidence and gain new skills to help young children learn in the most effective and exciting ways.
Intentional Pedagogy
  June 02 2017
Sandra Matthews, one of our very experienced early years personal tutors from Harrogate, Yorkshire, is a true lifelong learner, always delving deeper and thinking about how she and her colleagues can provide better and better support for children’s learning at Acorns. 
School readiness and the partnership between EY providers and schools
  June 02 2017
Sophie Swales, an Early Years Teacher who trained with us in 2016/17, talks about her placement experience and the lessons she learnt about preparing young children for the transition from pre-school to school.
EYITT case study - Charlotte Reynolds
  May 25 2017
One year on, Charlotte Reynolds reveals that successfully completing the EYITT programme is still one her greatest achievements.
The secrets of a happy staffroom
  May 25 2017
George McMillan, principal of Harris Academy Greenwich, led an inspiring webinar as part of Best Practice Network’s programme of head-led school improvement webinars. In the latest update for SecEd he talks to Liam Donnison about his perspectives on school staffing challenges and how to lead a happy and motivated school team. Read the full article on the SecEd website.
Do you know the HLTA of the Year 2017?
  May 05 2017
The HLTA National Assessment Partnership (HNAP) HLTA of the Year award is aimed at teaching assistants who have gained HLTA status and who go above and beyond to demonstrate the vital role that HLTAs play within schools. In 2016 Best Practice Network had three regional winners in the HLTA of the Year Award: Cindy McLeish from East of England, Alison Carpentier from the South West and Lianne Tetsell from the West Midlands.
Big expansion for Outstanding Leaders Partnership
  May 03 2017
School-led leadership development provider Outstanding Leaders Partnership is expanding in a move that will make it one of the largest professional development organisations of its kind in England. OLP - led by Best Practice Network in partnership with Ashton on Mersey Teaching School - was established in the north west in 2012 and has grown to 20 teaching school alliances, trusts and individual schools, working in partnership to deliver school leader development programmes across the region.