BPN approved as a contractor on the Skills Funding Agency training framework
  December 12 2015
We are delighted to have been approved as a contractor on the Skills Funding Agency training framework. This exciting opportunity allows us to access funding to deliver the CACHE early years programmes, including the new Early Years Educator, as well as apprenticeships for both schools and early years settings. We will share more information shortly, but in the meantime if you have experience working in these areas please get in touch with Philip Haslett.
Promoting British Values
  December 12 2015
The Department for Education has just published guidance on promoting British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. The guidance aims to help both independent and state-maintained schools understand their responsibilities in this area. All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011.
BPN approved as National Award for SEN Coordination registered provider
  November 18 2015
Best Practice Network are delighted to announce that we have been approved as a National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) registered provider. Our partnership with the NASEN organisation reinforces our commitent to development within the SEN sector. 
Our response to the Professional Standards for Teaching Assistants review process
  October 30 2015
You will no doubt be aware that the previous (coalition) Government appointed a review panel to look into a new set of professional standards for teaching assistants. The current Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, has decided not to publish these standards.
Early Years Experiences - EYITT case study - Patricia Conceicao
  October 21 2015
Early Years practitioner Patricia Conceicao writes about her experience with the Early Years Initial Teacher Training course. She discusses her reasons for taking the course, and how she manages working and studying, and the day-to-day life of an Early Years Teacher.
Early Years Experiences - EYITT case study - Beth Spaul
  October 20 2015
Early Years practitioner Beth Spaul writes about her experience with the Early Years Initial Teacher Training course. She discusses her influences that have led her towards teaching, the support structure in place for students, and how her training for Early Years Teacher Status influences her daily practice.
Early Years Experiences - EYITT case study - Abeita Busari
  October 18 2015
Early Years practitioner Abeita Busari writes about her experience with the Early Years Initial Teacher Training course. She discusses her progress on the course, the impact she hopes to bring to the children she works with, and how she works alongside her tutors and peers to take her learning forward.
Effective school partnerships
  October 17 2015
The Department for Education has recently released a report looking at the evidence available on collaboration and partnerships between schools and their effectiveness in improving schools. As we know, the landscape for school improvement has massively changed over recent times:
Mentors gear up to support EYITT trainees at Seymour House
  October 09 2015
Last week mentors from Seymour House Nurseries met for their first training session with Maureen Lee, the Regional Lead Tutor from Best Practice Network, to find out all about the mentor role in the Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) programme.
HLTA National Assessment Partnership: Celebrating 12 years of success
  September 09 2015
There are now more than 50,000 HLTAs who have gained HLTA status through the process of preparation and a three hour school assessment visit since the pilot was launched in 2003.