
Changes to our ECF programme
May 25 2022
Following fantastic feedback, we have made a few slight changes to the way in which our ECF programme is delivered in order to continue to provide the best possible support to candidates.
Review of COBIS Conference 2022
May 25 2022
A brief review of the Annual COBIS Conference as well as the thoughts of Jamie Ganley, who attended the event.
The ECF School Dashboard explained
May 05 2022
We take a deep dive into our School Dashboard and demonstrate how to utilise this powerful tool to get the most out of the ECF programme.

Upskill yourself and develop teachers in your school
August 16 2021
The national standards for headteachers emphasise this important responsibility, requiring heads to “ensure staff have access to high-quality, sustained professional development opportunities, aligned to balance the priorities of whole-school improvement, team and individual needs.

Make apprenticeship routes a big part of your leadership development plans
August 03 2021
Apprenticeships now offer a cost-effective route to professional development of school leaders, but many schools have yet to grasp the opportunity,

Why the ECF really matters
July 29 2021
The Early Career Framework (ECF) is set to have a huge impact on the professional development culture of schools, providing new teachers in the first stages of their career with a two-year structured professional development programme supported by a mentor.

DfE Announces NPQ Scholarships for Autumn 2021
July 01 2021
The DfE has announced the details of scholarship funding for the November 2021 NPQ Intake.

Designing and Delivering Effective Professional Development
June 21 2021
As we move forward in the development of our school leader and school expert led resources for the new suite of NPQs, I have had the great pleasure recently of ‘interviewing’ and listening to many colleagues from all parts of the country, talk about their experiences and accounts of good practice, that will support the next generations of NPQ participants learning in partnership with OLP/BPN.
Video: Examining the DfE’s ‘Golden Thread of CPD’
May 11 2021
Here is the recording of our panel session from Schools & Academies Show, examining the Dept for Education’s ‘Golden Thread of CPD’; its Policy, Challenges and Opportunities.

BPN to develop and deliver a new generation of NPQs
March 31 2021
Award-winning education training organisation Best Practice Network (BPN) is to design and deliver a new generation of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for teachers and school leaders.