Avoiding the tripwires of headship
  April 20 2017
Paul Gray, headteacher of Poole High School, has shared his perspectives with aspiring heads as part of Best Practice Network’s programme of head-led school improvement webinars. In the latest Headteacher Update for SecEd he talks to Colin McLean about the lessons he learned in the process of leading a school from Requiring Improvement to Good in under two years. Read the full article on the SecEd website.
EYITT case study - Zainab Mohiuddin
  March 20 2017
Zainab Mohiuddin shares her story of how EYITT took her from South London to Vietnam.
Level 4 Certificate for HLTAs case study - Julie Hordern
  March 13 2017
Shropshire Higher Level Teaching Assistant Julie Hordern had enjoyed a career in sales and photography before the birth of her first child influenced her to take a very different career path into the early years sector.
Julie is the first to gain a new qualification for HLTAs
  March 13 2017
Julie Hordern from Shropshire is a passionate and committed member of staff at Newtown Church of England Primary School in Wem, but she also has the distinction of being the first HLTA in England to build upon her HLTA status to gain a nationally recognised level 4 qualification for HLTAs.
Best Practice Network’s fun and informative day out with local schoolchildren
  March 06 2017
At Best Practice Network we pride ourselves on our ability to develop, implement and manage a wide range of corporate social responsibility activities and strategies. Not only do we strive to maintain an environmentally friendly office space and create a happy workforce but we also try to do our part for the local community.
Do graduate staff = quality provision for the under-fives? by Mannie Burn
  March 01 2017
EYITT tutor Mannie Burn shares some thoughts on the recent debate about the benefits of well qualified early years staff and the impact of Early Years Teachers on children’s learning and progress.
Be the change with online safety
  February 07 2017
So it’s Safer Internet Day again and the theme is “Be the change: unite for a better internet”. But what does this important annual event mean to you as an educationalist? There are two ways that schools look at it generally. It is either a big tick in the box for ‘doing’ their online safety input for the year, or it is just one part of a whole organisation approach towards online safety and safeguarding in your school or MAT.
Ready for life
  January 13 2017
What first steps can primary heads take to set up a strategy that will help pupils develop the life skills they need for success? Colin McLean and Dr Andy Hodgkinson share some advice.
Yemen appeal
  January 05 2017
As we start the new year afresh having spent quality time with our families, we are very aware that there are many in need around the world. With the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen devastating families, we have responded to the DEC's appeal for donations to provide food, water and supplies. The £500 Best Practice Network generated was matched and gift-aided through the Big Give's Christmas Challenge to make a total of £1,125.