What Is a Board Resolution Document


Regardless of the nature and content of the enterprise, its organizational and legal form, competence, structure, and other factors, the boards are given the right to issue resolution documents.

What is Board Resolution Document?

Administrative documents embody the activities of boards and officials. But what is a Board Resolution Document? It is not aimed at establishing, changing, or repealing the rules of law, does not introduce new standards in legal regulation. Such documents do not specify the term of their validity, in essence, they are acts that expire after the implementation of the instructions contained therein. Their effectiveness and feasibility are important soon after their publication because they represent the efficiency of the response of authorities to changes in the management situation. A change in the situation may lead to the issuance of new administrative documents with new instructions on the same issues. In this, they differ from legal norms and represent directives on how to implement these norms most effectively. All resolutions are recorded in board minutes.

The main function of the Board Resolution Document is to regulate the activities of the governing body to perform the tasks assigned to it, to obtain the maximum effect from its activities and the activities of the organization as a whole. Administrative documents perform a regulatory function directed from the subject of management (governing body) to the object of management (subordinates), ie from the head of the organization to the heads of departments and their employees, ensuring continuity of management, coordinated work of all bodies and management.

Conditionally they can be divided into two groups:

  • documents issued in a collegial manner;
  • documents issued in the conditions of individual decision-making.

In turn, collegial documents include:

  • Resolutions are administrative acts of general order, which are not limited to one-time execution and remain in force (if they do not contradict the law) until their repeal.
  • Orders are administrative documents issued by the head of the institution alone within his powers to address basic and operational tasks. The requirements set out in the document are mandatory.

What is the procedure for creating Board Resolution Document?

The procedure for making decisions by the Board of Directors is of no small importance for the effective operation of the Board and the adoption of balanced decisions in the interests of all shareholders of the company.

Draft resolutions and orders of the Board are created by executors, agreed and signed in electronic form. After signing by the project manager in electronic form, the document is registered by the specialists of the Department of Management. The specialist responsible for registering the document prints out the text of the document and, after signing the document on paper by the project manager, scans the document and attaches the document to the card as a PDF file. When using streaming scanning, the document is scanned in the functional subsystem “Stream scanning system”. In this case, scanning, text recognition, placing an electronic copy of the document in the database, and linking it to the document card in the form of an “attachment” occurs automatically. The document can be sent for familiarization to the participants in the workflow.

The documents considered by the management of the enterprise are returned to the person responsible for office workers who enter the maintenance of the resolution of the head in registration forms and transfer documents to work to direct executors.

Documents to be executed by several structural subdivisions are passed to the executors in turn or simultaneously in copies. The original shall be transmitted to the responsible executor specified in the resolution first.